Warren Russel Stearns

It is with a deep sense of loss that we report that Warren Stearns, the PDP wizard who came from Rapid City, South Dakota to help us restore our PDP-12, died on Sunday, August 6th 2017 following a massive heart attack. We waited to write this post until his obituary was posted ; visitation is tonight and the funeral is tomorrow, Thursday, August 17th, in Hartford, SD (details at the above link). Warren was well known in the PDP-8 community and spent a considerable amount of time traveling to various vintage computing gatherings and helping others restore their vintage machines. We first got in touch with Warren through the Rhode Island Computer Museum's (RICM) Michael Thompson, who had (with others) worked alongside Warren to restore their own PDP-12 starting in 2015. Michael told me that Warren might be interested in coming to help us. Warren called me a day or two later and said that he could be there in two days. Warren was so generous to us with his time -- he spent e...