Warren's Flip Chip Tester and other updates

Hello all! It's been a while since we've posted any updates, and this is long overdue. After sitting for a few long months with no use (it was a very busy semester), the PDP-12 is still working great! Although, it seems that the problem with the Teletype Receiver or Transmitter Flip Chips may be coming back (see earlier post here .) We may need to do some more testing on those cards. Which, brings me to the main purpose of this post, Warren's Flip Chip Tester! The Flip Chip Tester had been one of Warren's projects for a number of years and after he passed away, a production version of the board was created by Vince (The same person who made our RS-232 interface and baud rate generator Flip Chips.) Warren's version was designed for a hardware parallel port and Windows XP, running in the DOS command line. Mike Thompson from RICM has been developing a GUI version of the program and made modifications for the board to run from USB. We are cu...