Damage Report (List of the replaced ICs)

Here is a list of all the replaced ICs as a result of our -30V mishap. Thanks to Warren for writing it up. The picture shows the white tags on all the cards we replaced something on. (Apologies for the weird formatting. Some lines appear to be bold when I didn't tell them to be bold. Oh well.)

Cards tagged, but okay:
  1. Slot E19 M121     tests ok.
  2. Slot M216 M623     tests ok.

Cards repaired:

     1. Slot AB22 M222     pin BV1 bad.
                                        BV1 is RTRF RWB 10 OUT H     Replaced E14 7450
                                        probably not caused by -30v problem.
                                        (this output not used for bit 10,11)
                                        (only 0,1;4,5;7,9).
     2. Slot A35 M111       pin U1 stuck low.
                                        U1 is LWN MARK WORD H
                                        U1 is E4-8                                   Replaced E4 7400
     3. Slot A38 M212       pin R2 (e5-2) connects to PRE AC09(1)H  
                                                                                            Replaced E5 7453
     4. Slot C26 M121       pin B1 (E1-13) connects to PRE AC09(1)H
                                                                                            Replaced E1 7450
     5. Slot C29 M115       pin S2 output bad.
                                        pin S2 is LPT8 SET 8 MTN L
                                        pins N2, P2, and R2, are inputs for S2
                                        pin P2 connects to PRE AC09(1)H
                                                                                             Replaced E3 7410 
     6. Slot CD37 M711    pin BU2 output bad (flip flop)
                                        pin BD1 is DATA IN for BU2
                                        pin BD1 connects to PRF AC10(1)H
                                                                                             Replaced E6 7474
     7. Slot D17 M617       D17 is CLC Clock IO Control
                                        Probably not caused by -30v problem.
                                                                                             Replaced E2 7440
     8. Slot D24 M113       CLR, CLC, or CLIO (seceral ACxx(1))
                                                                                             Replaced E1 7400
     9. Slot D28 M304       Probably CLC LD CTRL 1 H
                                        Probably not caused by -30v problem
                                                                                             Replaced E1 7440
    10. Slot D29 M113      CLC, YADC, or LTP8.
                                                                                             Replaced E3 7400
    11. Slot E07 M217      bad logic K1,A1,F2,E2 CLKB, bit 9
                                        pin D1 is set input
                                        pin D1 connects to PRE AC09(1)H
                                                                                              Replaced E1 7400
    12. Slot E09 M216      CLR Clock Rate
                                        probably shorted -30v to this card
                                        connects to AC00(1)H thru AC05(1)H
                                                                                              Replaced E1 7474
                                                                                              Replaced E2 7474
                                                                                              Replaced E3 7474
    13.  Slot E20 M216      TCX or LTS
                                         TCX connects to AC05,07,09(1)H
                                         LTS is divider for LTS MARK CLOCK H
                                                                                              Replaced E3 7474
    14. Slot F19 M216       A1 bad (reset to 3 FF) CLC,CLE,CLIO, or CLTB
                                                                                              Replaced E1 7474
                                                                                              Replaced E2 7474
    15. Slot F20 M719       CLTB,CLC,CLIO,CLR, or CLEB
                                                                                              Replaced E5 7400
                                                                                              Replaced E1 7400
    16. Slot F21 M719       CLTB,CLR,CLC,or CLEB
                                                                                              Replaced E5 7400
    17. Slot F22 M719       CLTB,CLR,CLC,or CLEB
                                                                                              Replaced E1 7400
                                                                                              Replaced E1 7400
    18. Slot HJ16 M221     Register bits 2,3  AB2 AC2(1)H stuck lo  
                                                                                              Replaced E18 74H00
    19. Slot HJ17 M221     Register bits 4,5  BJ2 AC05(1)H stuck lo 
                                                                                              Replaced E18 74H00
    20. Slot HJ18 M221     Register bits 6,7  BJ2 AC07(1)H stuck lo 
                                                                                              Replaced E18 74H00
    21. Slot HJ19 M221     Register bits 8,9  BJ2 AC09(1)H stuck lo 
                                                                                              Replaced E18 74H00
    22. Slot HJ20 M221     Register bits 10,11  BJ2 AC11(1)H stuck lo 
                                                                                              Replaced E18 74H00 
    23. Slot K25 M212       H1,F2 bad is MQR MQ 07
                                         R1 is connected to PRD AC07(1)H
                                                                                              Replaced E5 7453
    24. Slot L11 M160       T2 bad. CPT EN INT PAUSE L
                                                                                              Replaced E3 7400
    25. Slot L21 M113
                                                                                              Replaced E3 7400
    26. Slot MN07 M707    E7 is hot.
                                                                                              Replaced E7 7400
                                                                                              Replaced E5 7400
    27. Slot MN10 M707  
                                                                                              Replaced E5 7400
                                                                                              Replaced E7 7400
    28. Slot M25 M617
                                                                                              Replaced E1 7440

Summary: 28 cards repaired.
                  37 ICs replaced:
                             7400         15
                             74H00       5
                             7410          1
                             7440          3
                             7450          3
                             7453          2
                             7460          1
                             7474          7

Well. Now you know what -30V down the wrong pin does. I would not recommend doing it.


  1. Nice work on repairs. Warren, when will your flip-chip tester be ready for field trials? Maybe you can debut it at VCF-Midwest?


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